Saturday, August 22, 2015


Three Things - The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful!

 The Beautiful - My Water Dragon is back after hibernation... Wow... the first I knew about it was his appearance at my sliding door this morning, after I spotted him he waited patiently for me while I got him some blueberries :-) 

The Bad - Yesterday, this nasty tiny little grass tick found it's way to my ear, I dug it out and here it is on an envelope with the 'Paid in Australia' on it.  Tiny isn't it!
Just look at my poor sore and very itchy ear!  :-(

And... the Good!  At last I've finished redoing the bask, cuffs and neck of this jumper I knitted for David for his 70th Birthday.   I had to unpick them all because the jumper had gone baggy in these areas, it was a tough job on the cuffs and bask but the neck was easy.

 David is still wearing his old 48 year old jumper and below the new one I made him 3 years ago... already baggy at cuffs, bask and neck!

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