Wednesday, December 28, 2016


My Favourite Christmas Activity!!!

 I gave up long ago trying to buy our Grandchildren a Christmas present so what I do is give them $50.00 each with a card that says... 'Lets Go SHOPPING!'    So off we go on the first available day after Christmas.   Last year I gave the Macao children their $50 before Christmas because they were staying in Manly for a week and I thought they might like to shop in Manly!  

Oh Noooo...  there were complaints!    How lucky am I eh!  They prefer to go shopping with Penniedarling.

So early this morning we set off to Hornsby starting at KMart!!
Six out of five beautiful children joined me and into the first store we headed.......   Hey!  Two of these Grandchildren are taller than I am!  Yikes!!!

After visiting several shops with plenty of success we needed  a morning tea break so it was Ice Cream or Drinks from Maccas.

 Then we continued from the Food Hall to Target and back to the Food Hall for a little lunch with two sets of parents who had been doing their own thing in Hornsby including a little...... spying on us!

I think it was only Remy who spent all his money on two sets of Lego, a beaut shirt and a Rainbow Poo Cushion  :-)   The other children have some money left over to save or spend on other things later on. 

Thank you for a beautiful day Jackson Harry, Abigail Rose, Charlie Ripley, Matilda May, George Mervyn and Remy Corbell... you were all wonderful and  Thank you for looking out for each other and doing the odd head count so successfully.


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