Sunday, March 24, 2024


David is selling some of these old English Bus Stop Signs.

 When we were living in England for a couple of years back in 1977-78 England had just joined Europe in what was called The Common Market (I think)  Apparently London had to change their Bus Stop Signs because the French couldn't understand???   Well thats what was in the Press anyway... There was this chap who I think was a Teacher... who went around stealing these signs that were going to be destroyed, he got caught and all the signs he had at his home came up for sale at the bus depot in Reigate, we were about to head home on the 'Oriana' so easy for taking lots of stuff on board with us, we'd bought some Welsh furniture and kids stuff so David went off to buy some of these old signs, there was no competition so he bought lots and lots and for about 2 Pounds each he thinks.  We bought home 8 cubic metres of stuff that cost us absolutely nothing because we were on the 'Oriana' at the same time with three kids as well. 

Some of these signs are up on our walls, some have gone to our kids but one hell of a lot of these signs have sat in the garage for many many years... until recently David decided to clean some up and sell!   What a great decision, they are selling for great prices... we will be keeping some though especially the ones in our family room.


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