Sunday, July 25, 2021



LOCKDOWN  25thJuly 2021.

When I woke up this morning feeling angry/pissed/annoyed/depressed all those things and more because I can’t go out and about, I can’t visit my children, my in-laws or my grandchildren, can’t enjoy a day at the Pub with my quilting friends, can’t can’t can’t and so on and on…  I kept saying to myself don’t be silly you are a privileged woman who lives in a beautiful part of the best country in the world, you have the most loving man beside you and you can afford a take away if you want one, you have a beautiful garden to enjoy with memories of Mama with the Daphne, memories of Wollogorang with the violets, memories of Great Aunt Ella with the Camellia and memories of my mother Rosie with all the wonderful things she’s made for me with her pottery skills.

Stayed in bed, opened my iPad to glance at the SMH,  Yikes!  Those stupid rioters and those poor police having to deal with such idiots … shut the iPad

Thinking of all the things I want to do in the kitchen, finish off my Lobster Bisque, make one of my favourite stuffed chicken breasts for lunch, put away all those beautiful oranges from Nerys then just tidy up the kitchen…  Then I thought about Breakfast… Maybe I will add sultanas to my porridge!  Never liked that but David has this when he has porridge.  I still have a block and a half left from my birthday gift from David, dark chocolate with salted caramel, yum, maybe I could start my day with some of that… nah… don’t wanna… maybe I could make a hot chocolate Mmmm…

I needed a shower, needed to wash my hair… but No!  Just wanted to rock the boat but I did look out an old scarf thing that I used to wear back in the 1960’s while driving around Europe in our London Taxi when a shower was a weekly event if we were lucky hence dirty hair hidden by scarf.  I put on clothes I’ve worn for two days already but I did put clean undies on… I did… I promise I did 😊

                             1969 in Snowy Italy wearing my Scarf to hide my unwashed hair

and below 2021 in Lockdown wearing same scarf, gosh this scarf is more than 52 years old.


I went for a wander up the driveway and out and about a little, found the Paper man had delivered the Sunday SMH, we don’t pay for this paper we have enough still to read in the Saturday SMH or both our iPads.   

Took some time to smell the lavender, the Daphne, check out the Jonquils, chat to our John Witter Camellia which is still full of buds but no luck with flowers, have a few words to my Great Aunt Ella and thank her for her wonderful flowers this year, the best ever, admire the number of Violets, that came from Wollogorang, take the broken and dead branches off the lime tree that was damaged by the fallen bit of pergola then decided I needed to write down my stupid woes and whinges.

David’s up, it’s after 10am, he’s already cut up an orange for me and I can hear him cooking up his breakfast of bacon and egg.

I’m getting off my computer, going to enjoy my orange, my apple carrot and ginger juice and and and I’m going to put Sultanas in my porridge, enjoy my breakfast, do a quiz or two with David, maybe try the Difficult Suduko, I’m going to stop whinging, take lots of deep breaths, enjoy more and more of our beautiful garden then do what I have on my List!. 

Just tried to print this to enjoy while eating my breakfast plus share it with David but… no ink in printer, lucky I’ve had a spare couple standing by.

P.S.  I did put sultanas in my porridge, okay but David tells me I must put them in before cooking, silly me… I did enjoy my beautiful orange, I did enjoy my apple, carrot and ginger juice and and and I have also enjoyed a ChooChoo bar as well. 

Penniedarling is being a little bit good, little bit naughty and a little bit silly as well.  Won’t be listening or reading the news today, happy Podcasts or music will be the go!

                                    My Mama with a little Pennie and her favourite plant Daphne.

                                Great Aunt Ella and the beautiful Camellia that she grew.

                           My Great Aunt Cranky, photo taken before I knew her though.
                 The Violets that grew at Wollogorang and an aerial shot of the Homestead.
Rosie's Pottery.

Lime tree, pergola now back in place and broken branches in green bin.

Our Lavender is smelling wonderful.
Below, this poor and very old Camellia was planted in the 1940's by my 'Ghost' John Witter, no matter how much love and attention it's given, or not given, this is the only sort of flower we get.  I wonder if this Camellia is still grieving the man who planted it and the man who built the old home we lived in for 10 years before pulling down down and putting in a Tennis Court.
My beautiful Apple Carrot and Ginger Juice, and my very favourite Choo Choo Bars given to me by Nerys for my Birthday.

P.S.  Just enjoyed a chilly and windy walk around the garden picking some of my favourites.

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