Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Photo a Day Challenge - 31.3.2021 - I'm proud of...


 My Penniedarling story.

When our children forgot to say Please or Thankyou... I made them say,  'Please or Thankyou... Mummydarling, I love you very much.'

A big mouthful for a little one, they soon leaned it was easier to remember their Please or Thankyou's.

Then along came Nieces and Nephews and Mummydarling became Penniedarling!

Next came Grandchildren and Penniedarling stuck!   Nowday's it comes out first... Please Penniedarling may I have a ??? whatever.

Then after the Grandkids were told about my Aunty Cranky telling me one must never say, at the dinner table, 'Pass the salt' what one must say to the person closest to the Salt is... 'So and so, would you like the salt?' and So and So must say, 'No but would you?'

Soooo Now if the Grandkids fancy a something they say, 'Penniedarling would you like a Calippo? to which I always reply, 'Yes please Grandchilddarling and would you?' 

Gosh, this was taken in 2018!

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