Friday, June 01, 2018


On this day Fifty years ago... I left Australia for the very first time.

Almost my whole family turned up at Sydney Airport to farewell me on my first big adventure overseas.
Uncle Tony, Great Aunt Carol, Friend of Meredith's, Aunt Anne, Cousin Matthew behind being held up by Uncle Mick, between Mick's head and my head is Rip's bald head, sister Meredith on my right... then Rosie, behind her is Cousin Andrew, then Aunt Pam and Cousin Sue, in front Cousins Marcus, Nick and the top of Cousin Simon's head....

First stop was Darwin, then Bombay, Tehran, Rome then a big detour around Paris because of Students Rioting so I arrived in London flying over the beautiful fields of Essex...  I know sounds like madness but there were no direct flights to London 50 years ago. 
Why was I going to London you may ask...  Well this old friend rang and asked... 'Why don't you come over and we'll get married or something?' 


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