Friday, November 18, 2016


We are enjoying Remy's company for a few days while his Mum and Dad try to sort out his little sisters sleeping pattern. We are the Winners!

 This box of up to 40 plus year old cars is always popular.  There's some Transformers in here as well, I have no idea how they Transform!!  :-)   I don't think I ever did.
 Remy was quick to name these little dolls I knitted for Charity, they are names of twins at his school and a neighbour.  How lovely is he.
 Ear muffs on watching David mow the lawn... this is a novelty for Remy.
 A run down at Bobbin Head.
 Checking out the water.
 Found a stick almost as tall as he is.

Took me a few hours to understand this little incident...  driving back up the hill from Bobbin Head the red light came on in my car warning me that I was low in petrol so we headed to our Service Station before going home.   I introduced Tom the pump assistant to Remy and Remy was very surprised.   As we left the station he asked me what that man was doing putting petrol into my car.   I just said it was Tom's job, that's what he did as well as washing windscreens and pumping up tyres for the customers.

It wasn't till later that day that I realized, just like mowing our lawn, pump attendants were rare in the Inner City suburbs  :-)   No wonder our little home in the Burbs is so different to what he's used to.
 I suggested to my friend Lynne, that she might like a helper to walk Molly, her sweet little dog.  Lynne agreed and Remy jumped at the chance so with ball on string tied to the front of his pants then trailing behind his back he took off.   There were a few incidents which involved tangles with poor Molly coming out the worst for it but she never complained and Remy just loved her.
Back home at David and Peepee's  Remy helped David put the newly arrived Albion Club magazines into their envelopes...  Remy is very good at all sorts of jobs.


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