Thursday, July 28, 2016


I've been conned...

I heard on the radio this week that Vita Wheat Biscuits no longer had holes in them which means we can never enjoy a 'Wormy' biscuit ever again! 

How mean and world shattering news is this!   I have to admit I haven't bought these 'Wormy' biscuits for a long time so I just wasn't aware!    But today I bought a packet and spread one with butter and Vegemite and gave a good squeeze... 
...  Still plenty of 'Worms'  so it seems I have been conned, maybe Vita Wheat's sales have been down so they wanted to spread a naughty rumor to get their sales up... or maybe I just heard it wrong,  I know they were also talking about Shape Biscuits not being the same.


I heard it too!
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