Thursday, June 26, 2014


This is What I Live With... #193.

We are lucky enough to have one of the best Butchers in Sydney just a short walk up the road from us, we don't eat as much meat as we did when we had or have a full house, so we are buying less but I like to buy only the best!  Jason smokes his own ham and bacon, both are full of flavour with little but just enough fat.

I would eat bacon maybe twice a month, David eats bacon almost every second day.

David thinks Jason's bacon is too expensive so we buy David's bacon from a cheap butcher in Hornsby who sells Budget Bacon for $6 a kilo, I call this stuff 'crappy' bacon, it has no flavour other than salt!

I usually buy a dozen strips of my bacon at a time and put it in the freezer in two slice serves.  I do  similar for David's bacon but in 10 strip serves.

This morning David was out of his 'crappy' bacon so I offered him my last strip which was in the fridge. 

Soooo...  I went and got my things and was about to head out to the Shops, I came back into the kitchen to see him taking out of the microwave two strips of slightly cooked defrosted bacon!!

Me... How many strips do you want?

He... Just the one.

Why not use the one already defrosted in the Fridge?

David just shook his head and said something unintelligible!

I lost it then dear reader... I just lost it!!!!!!!

So I ranted...
Why do you have to ruin perfectly good bacon when there is already one strip waiting to be used?
What are you going to do with the second defrosted partly cooked piece?
Is this what I have to live with?
I will ring James Valentine if you aren't careful... I could take up a whole show of his!
I'm leaving...

Then!  David said 'Good!!!!!'

Well 'them thar fightin' words' aren't they dear readers!

When I get back I want to see a clean and tidy kitchen! 
I want to see that wine glass in the dish washer.
I want to see both those pans in the dishwasher.
I want to see these plates and bowls in the dishwasher and I don't want to see any crap lying around. 
I want to see that little table folded up and put away so I don't fall over it.
And... I want to see the compost bin emptied.

Huh!  is the reply as he starts cleaning up.

I'm LEAVING!  I shout.

GOOD! he shouts.

'Love you David', I say as I walk out the door.
'Love you Blossom', says the man I married all those years ago.

So... I'm home from the Shops and the wine glass is in the dishwasher the little table is folded and out of the way... but everything else is left all over the benches!

So... I've just said to David.
You know how I wanted you to tidy up all your things in the kitchen? 
Yes, says he.
Well why didn't you do it?
Wellllllll.....  says he looking around at the mess... I was just too busy doing something else.
What? asked I.
Welllll...  said he, thinking thinking thinking then he started to reel off a list of stuff.

How was my bacon David?

Just delicious says he....  

This is what I live with  :-)))


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