Saturday, June 28, 2014


Let me tell you a little story about what happened at my regular Supermarket.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a small loaf of 'Fig and Fennel' Sourdough bread from a Supermarket at Macquarie Centre.

It was absolutely delicious.

A couple of days ago I went looking for the same bread at a similar Supermarket closer to home.  I asked a young man who was loading the shelves with the freshly baked bread, but he just couldn't get his head around 'Fig and Fennel'  I explained slowly... Figs as in the dried fruit and Fennel Seeds.

He thought I might try the sliced bread isle but I told him I'd got the last loaf from the Bakery just like this one.  He went off to ask his boss.

The boss was busy instructing someone on how to use one of the machines so I waited until the young lad got to ask the question of his boss... but he couldn't remember  LOL.  This lad was caucasian with an Aussie accent but still couldn't get his head around 'Fig and Fennel'.

The Boss came up and said very hesitantly, Yessss... they did have some, but they didn't have the right labels so they couldn't put it out on the shelves!

I suggested he put a different label on the bread with the same price but he told me that would confuse the records soooo... he Hummmed and Aaaahhhed a few times so I asked him what happens to the Fig and Fennel Bread.   It just gets thrown out at the end of the day he tells me!   Well can I go around the back and pick some up?  I asked... he just laughed.  

When are the labels coming in I ask?  Tomorrow is the answer.

He hums some more then says he might get into trouble but....

Then... this young Boss gives me two loaves of this wonderful Fig and Fennel bread in a plastic bag and tells me, if asked, I was to say that he had  given them to me as a sample!

Then he adds... it hasn't finished being cooked so just cook it up for a short while before eating.



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