Monday, October 28, 2013


Photo a Day Challenge - 28.10.2013 - Just for you.

This is... Just for you Charlie!

That's Penniedarling in the front row, fourth from the left, I have a pretty bow in my hair and I'm 7 years old...  just like you. 

Turvey Park is a suburb of Wagga Wagga, there were 45 kids in my class way back in 1953 and I was at this school for only a few months before moving on to Kapooka Army Camp when the Married Quarters were finished being built, they were kit homes from Sweden would you believe, and I think only one of them is still standing today.

I went from 45 pupils in my class to just 2!  Kapooka was a one Teacher School and he looked after all years from Kindy, where my brother Tim was, to 6th Class where the really cool guys were.  My Class had just me, who's initials were PJR and Peter John Renfrey... I've never forgotten that name, we both had the same initials and I came top of the class  :-) 

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