Wednesday, August 21, 2013


A Conversation with Anna...

I went to Charlie's class today to help with the threading of needles, unpicking of knots and helping with the sewing of these wonderful samplers!  I remember making one of these and I think I still have it somewhere... but where??

A little girl, called Anna was sitting at the same table as Charlie... after a couple of minutes Anna looked at me closely and said,

Anna.     How old are you?
PD.   How old do you think I might be?
Anna.     Mmmmm....   99?
PD.   Well not quite, I'm 68, how old are you?
Anna.     I'm EIGHT!
PD.   Well if you are 8 and I'm 68, how much older am I than you?
Anna.    ???????

Now I'm thinking this little one has a speech impediment or did she have an accent...

PD.  If I'm 68 and I take away 8, how much will that make.
Anna.     ??????
PD.   That means I'm 60 years older than you are.
Anna.    :-)

After some sewing, some re-threading and some reverse sewing...

Anna.     Why do you have such a big head?  You do have a very big head...
PD.   Well that's because I'm so beautiful, when you get to be 68 you will have a big head and be just as beautiful as me  :-)

Anna.    Mmmmmm...

A couple of minutes later... 

P.D.   Why?
Anna.    Because you have so many brains in your head, you need lots of room for your brains.

I later discovered that Anna was from Russia and English isn't her first language...  I also discovered from David who loves the Russian language, that Russians can be very inquisitive!  What a gem is Anna :-)

I dug around and dug around and found this little sampler... now who made this?  It was on my Precious Shelf with lots of other wonderfully hand made objects that my four children have made over the years...

Nerys??  Tomos??  Briony??  Gwilym???


I still have mine, too. :) I actually found a long length of huckaback at an op shop once and it's now safely cached in my sewing room ready for grandies to learn on. :)
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