Sunday, July 28, 2013


Penniedarling's Family Birthday Party... by Remy

 Firstly we headed to Ku-ring-gai High to watch Jackson play Soccer.

 Jackson setting up a beaut Goal!!  It was a very exciting game at 3-3!

 Home to help open some pressies...

 Food... Food...  I've only had two big bowls of food but I'm always up for more... especially if it's as pretty as this!

 No Remy... it's smile for the camera!  they all say....

 More pretty food that you won't let me get at.....

 What!  more pretty food Aunty Noo Noo?  Is this one for me then??
 Ah... I'm getting my gums onto this food...  Chocolate coated pretzels look better though...

 I'll just give this card a good suck to see if it's worth persevering... 

 Aahhh... Penniedarling... this looks delicious, please pretty please is there some for me?

 I'm trying, trying but still can't get much of anything...

 Big Cousin Charlie is tickling me... and I love it!

 Oh Look... the Godfather is here as well and he's tickling me too... Jackson is calling me 'The Remster?'  I think I like it :-)

 Aunty Noo Noo is teaching me to walk and I'm just loving it!

 Let me introduce you to my Uncle Tim!  He wants to cuddle me all on his own...

 Uh... Oh...  Not when Charlie and Jack are around Uncle Tim, we all have to share  :-)

 What say I share you with my Godfather and Charlie??

 They ordered Pizza's from up the road, and there I was thinking I would be enjoying some as well... but they fooled me... they took me up in my stroller picked up the pizza's and headed home and I fell asleep before we reached Pennie and David's... and do you know what those rotters did???  They ate all the Pizza's before I woke up... what a rotten deal that was!

And... the worst bit of all... they didn't even share dessert with me either!   So okay... so maybe I didn't share my lunch with them... but if I knew this was coming I would have... willingly!!!!!  I'll know better next year!


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